Decoded: Is America Using the Far Right to Keep the Euro in Check?
Babylon’s Got Bills, and Someone’s Gotta Pay
Babylon’s Got Bills, and Someone’s Gotta Pay
Let’s be real—America’s economy is like that one mate who still acts rich on payday despite being six months behind on rent. Except, unlike your mate, America has a trick up its sleeve: it doesn’t actually have to pay its debts. How? Because the U.S. dollar runs the world.
But what if I told you that the dollar’s dominance isn’t some natural economic law? What if the whole system is a carefully maintained scam—one that relies on America keeping the rest of the world too chaotic to challenge it? And what if the rise of the far-right in Europe isn’t just homegrown madness, but part of Babylon’s latest chess move to keep the euro from becoming a serious alternative to the dollar?
Strap in. We’re about to crack this one wide open.
How Nixon Pulled the Biggest Hustle of the 20th Century
To understand America’s obsession with maintaining the dollar’s global supremacy, we need to rewind to the 1970s. Picture it: America’s just finished the 1960s—civil rights movements, Vietnam, hippies, and an economy that’s teetering on the edge. The problem? The U.S. was broke.
At the time, the world was still running on the Bretton Woods system, where the U.S. dollar was backed by gold, and other currencies were pegged to the dollar. Sounds stable, right? Yeah—until America started printing money like a man on a Vegas bender to fund the Vietnam War. Other countries caught on and started demanding actual gold for their dollars. Babylon panicked.
Enter Richard Nixon, the scam artist of the century. In 1971, Tricky Dick pulled a move so bold that even the Wolf of Wall Street would’ve slow-clapped: he ended the gold standard. Just like that, the U.S. dollar was no longer backed by gold. It was now backed by… vibes and military threats.
But wait—how does a country keep its currency valuable when it’s no longer backed by anything real? Oil.
Nixon struck a deal with Saudi Arabia and OPEC: “Sell your oil in dollars only, and in return, we’ll protect your regimes with our military.” Thus, the petrodollar was born. Since every country needs oil, every country now needed dollars to buy it.
This one move saved America’s economy and cemented the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency. And just like that, Babylon had a free pass to print money and run deficits while the rest of the world had to play by the rules.
But now, 50 years later, that scam is wearing thin. And the euro? That’s the biggest threat to Babylon’s racket.
The Euro’s Threat: Why America Can’t Let Europe Get Too Strong
Fast forward to today. The U.S. is drowning in $34 trillion of debt, but because of Nixon’s old trick, it can just print more money and force the rest of the world to hold its bags.
But what if another currency came along that could replace the dollar in global trade? What if countries started stockpiling euros instead of dollars? Suddenly, America wouldn’t be able to just print its way out of trouble—it would actually have to start paying back its debts.
And that’s why the euro has to be sabotaged at all costs.
The European Union, for all its bureaucracy and dodgy regulations, is the only economic power large enough to challenge the dollar. If the EU played its cards right—say, by making energy and trade deals in euros instead of dollars—it could break America’s financial stranglehold on the world.
So how does America keep that from happening? By making Europe too unstable to get its act together.
Enter the far-right.
Far-Right Politics: The Perfect Weapon to Weaken Europe
If you’re Babylon and you want to keep Europe weak, what’s the best strategy? You fund, enable, and cheerlead nationalist, anti-EU, far-right movements that fragment the continent. Let’s look at some of the key players:
• France – Marine Le Pen’s movement keeps pushing for France to break from the EU. Conveniently, this weakens the euro’s credibility and keeps the EU on shaky ground.
• Germany – The AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) is gaining traction, pushing hardline nationalism in Europe’s most powerful economy. A divided Germany means a divided EU.
• Italy – Giorgia Meloni’s government is openly nostalgic about fascism, but guess what? She’s suddenly very cozy with the U.S.
• Brexit: The Test Run – The UK was always America’s Trojan horse inside the EU, but once the EU got too strong, the U.S. had every incentive to support a Brexit push. The result? The EU lost a major financial centre, and America got an even more desperate and dependent Britain.
This isn’t conspiracy theory—it’s textbook economic warfare. The U.S. has done this for decades in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. Now, it’s happening in Europe.
And every time a far-right leader rises in Europe, you’ll notice that U.S. right-wing media immediately starts hyping them up. Steve Bannon, one of Trump’s closest allies, was literally setting up offices in Europe to help organise far-right movements.
Coincidence? Babylon don’t do coincidences.
The Final Play: Destabilisation and Economic Control
At this point, the pattern should be clear:
• The U.S. needs the dollar to stay the global reserve currency.
• The euro is the only real alternative.
• A strong, unified EU could start shifting global trade away from the dollar.
• To prevent that, America enables and encourages far-right nationalism across Europe.
• The result? A fractured, bickering Europe that can’t challenge U.S. economic hegemony.
We’ve seen this play out before. Every time a region gets too independent, Babylon steps in and wrecks the place:
• The Middle East? Destabilised the moment they tried moving away from the petrodollar.
• Latin America? Economically sabotaged whenever they flirted with sovereignty.
• Russia? Sanctioned into the Stone Age the second it tried de-dollarising its trade.
Europe is just the next battlefield in the U.S.’s global game of financial domination.
The question is: how long can Babylon keep this con running?
Final Thoughts: What Happens When the World Stops Playing Along?
The scary thing for the U.S. is that more countries are starting to see the game for what it is. BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are actively working on alternatives to the dollar. If they succeed, America’s debt-driven empire could start to crumble.
And let’s be real—how much longer can Europe keep pretending it’s an ally when the U.S. is clearly working against its stability?
At some point, the world will get tired of funding America’s unlimited credit card. And when that day comes, the question won’t be whether the dollar stays on top—it’ll be how hard Babylon falls.
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